Children of Gaia Stories
Children of Gaia is a vast universe; the backdrop for an epic, ongoing story told across multiple media, including:
In a lavish fantasy setting, battles are waged through soldiers and lovers; magic and steel; diplomacy and gunpowder. Children of Gaia (COG) is a complex story told through the eyes of those living through a collision of worlds. Some fight for power, others struggle to preserve a way of life, and many battle just to stay alive.
In Rendaraia, where nature, magic, and civilization have long coexisted, strangers of unknown origin are invading. As war rages between the Terran interlopers and Rendaraian natives, hundreds of unique cultures of wildly varying technologies, traditions, and species are ravaged by an imperial society driven by the rapacious demands of its own politically divided home. But there is more at stake than land or culture: Rendaraia and its invaders are linked far more deeply than anyone realizes.

Children of Gaia: Books

COG: The Great Nations of Rendaraia
The five Great Nations of Rendaraia have stood for centuries as strongholds of culture, magic, science, and military strength. When, one by one, the Nations mysteriously fall—each destroyed in a day, with no word or warning—the intrepid scholar Jan’Ka’Zian sets out to record a complex network of intertwined cultures on the edge of destruction. Jayel Draco’s gorgeous illustrations present a vivid picture of elaborate cityscapes and mountain vistas, vast skyfaring fleets, and fantastic flora and fauna.

Click HERE to download the free sample of The great Nations of Rendaraia.
The first to be published of our many projects, the full 150-page book is now available through Oneshi Press, so click HERE to snag your signed copy!

COG: War and Horses
Deep in the dustbowl of the newly formed People’s Republic of Draven, the old aristocracy coexists with a new government in an uneasy peace that’s often broken by conflict. Famine and drought wrack the once-fertile region—and violence is a spark to dry grass. In the midst of the chaos walks a shadowy figure: the Triggerman. The only sure thing about him is that he leaves a trail of chaos in his wake. Following that trail is novelist and journalist Landon Ford, documenting the Triggerman’s exploits and digging for the truth of his identity. War and Horses is Ford’s work: a series of dime-store novels, popular in Rendaraia and Terra alike. But the Triggerman is very real—and his true purpose may become the story of Ford’s life. Written by Peter Lampasona, with illustrations by Chris Covelli and Jayel Draco, and editing by Lynsey G., War & Horses is a dime-store-western-style narrative rich with action.

Children of Gaia: Comics

COG: Refuge
The chase is on, but who is the hunter and who is the prey? When high fantasy meets familiar warfare and stereotypes are turned upside down, things aren’t quite how they seem in this action/adventure fantasy 8-page short comic that gives a glimpse into the larger fantasy universe of Children of Gaia. The short comics presents tough questions, gives deeper insight into the challenges facing characters, and dazzles readers with new angles on a progressive, immersive, and gorgeous sequential-art story. “Refuge” was written and illustrated by COG co-creator Jayel Draco. It is designed to be included among collected works, such as the Oneshi Press Anthology #07, and future COG collected works. It’s also available as a standalone digital comic.

COG: Carrying Iron
“Carrying Iron” is an eight-page comic set in the seedy underbelly of Ralliesport, the capital city of the Republic of Draven in the realm of Terra. Written by Peter Lampasona, illustrated by D.L. Johnson, and lettered by Cardinal Rae, this short comic takes readers into the shadows of a Ralliesport jazz club, where dubious deals are made along to the musical stylings of a kidnapped transport from the New World. The Rendaraian jazz singer has picked her own fiddler for tonight’s show…but will she get out alive? “Carrying Iron” introduces the Triggerman, a legendary figure who haunts the pages of Children of Gaia books (like War & Horses) and the imaginations of both Terrans and Rendaraians…and now, comics readers, as well.
“Carrying Iron” is designed to be included among collected works, such as the Oneshi Press Anthology #08, and future COG collected works. It’s also available as a standalone digital comic.

COG: Trinkets
Venture deep into Rendaraia’s Sylvannakaian forest, where the Keetsunikesh make their home. A tribe of raiders, they pride themselves on their magical abilities and the trophies they use these abilities to obtain. Though not everyone has the same skills, one group of kids won’t let anyone feel left out or unsafe. See how these youngsters turn the tables on one of their bullies.
Written by Lynsey G and illustrated by Eldkrind, “Trinkets” is designed to be included among collected works, such as Oneshi Press Anthology #09—Justice, and future COG collected works. It’s also available as a standalone digital comic.

COG: The Ra’Avadhi
What do cave-dwelling people, warrior-robots, and giant dinosaurs all have in common? Find out in “COG: The Ra’Avadhi.”
The Ra’Avadhi is a joint-effort 8-page comic written and illustrated by COG co-creators Chris Covelli and Jayel Draco that takes place on the Terran island-continent Ra’Avadh. The story delves into the deep backstory of how the Terrans got their start.
Now available in Oneshi Press Anthology #10—Origins. It’s also available as a standalone digital comic.

COG: The Invitation

The Invitation is an 8-page comic written and illustrated by Jayel Draco. It tells two stories overlapping each other: Firstly, the story of Eldridge Quinn, a Terran man of noble status despite his low birth…and the invitation of high prestige that he receives. Interspersed throughout the narrative are flashbacks of the events that led to his elevated status within the Terran Empire.
Now available in Oneshi Press Anthology #11—Becoming.

COG: Cohorts

Cohorts is an 8-page comic written and penciled by Jayel Draco, inked by Tess “Shadowcast” Langston, and colored by Erin “Shadowind” Cooper. In retrospective narration, it tells the story of Hae’Kalah, a young Traxian chosen to join the ranks of the elite recon sect known as the Trexitti. Hae’Kalah’s first mission may be her greatest and final mission.
Now available in Oneshi Press Anthology #13—Cohorts

Children of Gaia: Games

COG: The Mag Tower RPG
A foreign power has invaded Rendaraia and laid waste to its most ancient civilizations. Now, soldiers descend upon one of the realm’s last strongholds of magical power: the Mag Tower, deep in the forests of Mitheraia.
The Mag are some of the most powerful and reclusive of sorcerers, guardians of the fabled Mage Stones—powerful relics that they’ve sworn to protect with the potent magic they wield and with their very lives.
Play as one of the Mag or as an assault squad of Vargas military in the epic battle to protect—or to steal—the Mage Stones! AVAILABLE HERE

Children of Gaia: Coloring Books

COG: Mitheran Fauna

Mitheran Fauna is a marvelous in world atlas of fauna and flora from the region of Mitheria on Rendaraia as described through the lens of a Terran naturalist. This 32 page 8.5″x5.5″ coloring book is deftly illustrated by Erin “Shadowind” Cooper. Chronicling 27 fantastic creatures, plants, and fungi for you to explore as you let your imagination run wild, this book is great for all ages, and not to be missed!!

Children of Gaia: Music

COG: Great Nations Soundtrack

Jack Schell’s Children of Gaia: Great Nations Soundtrack is a musical accompaniment to Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia. We proudly share with you Jacks final project in life, left nearly finished when he passed away June 10th 2018. This album includes 10 jazz/rockiinspired, sci-fi/fantasy-RPG-score-style digital orchestrations. We thank you, on Jack’s behalf, for listening with an open heart and letting your mind wander through the soundscapes he created to help you explore the landscapes and magic of the realm of

Children of Gaia: Art

The Eternals of Gaia
The Eternals are the original ten elemental spirits who seeded Gaia—the greater realm that encompasses both Terra and Rendaraia—with life. Throughout history, the Eternals have chosen mortal beings as hosts, granting them vast elemental powers in exchange for sharing their physical form.
The Eternals protect the balance of life and guide the developing wisdom of sentient creatures. The mortals chosen as hosts become part of the Eternals’ immortal existence, and they play an important role in many Children of Gaia storylines.

COG: The Map of Rendaraia
Follow along with your favorite COG stories as characters traverse the wilds of Rendaraia, a vast realm with terrifically varied ecosystems spanning its many picturesque landscapes. This cartographic illustration, fashioned as an in-story prop, is designed to look like it was created by our beloved character Jan’Ka’Zian. COG co-creator Jayel Draco poured countless hours into detailing this high-resolution map. Now available in print at
Map of Terra coming soon!

COG: Rendaraian Fae Photography
Throughout Rendaraia live many varied fae cultures. From the Great Nations to the countless smaller Tribes, some of which work with the Great Nations in the spirit of collaboration, while others choose to remain in isolation. A few even raid and loot in the spirit of competition. From this plethora of cultures, multimedia visual artist Jayel Draco has created photobashings/photomanipulations featuring models wearing his handmade costumes. With digital effects and backgrounds composited together from many various photos taken during his own excursions into the wilds, he’s created magical imagery of what some of these characters might look like. After we’ve amassed enough of these pieces, the COG Core will put out a coffee-table art book to guide you through witnessing the various peoples of Rendaraia.

COG: Rendaraian Fae Garb
To capture the rich diversity of peoples and cultures on Rendaraia, Jayel Draco has created lavish costume designs to demonstrate what many of our characters might look like. Working with real-life models and photomanipulation, Jayel has created astonishingly detailed images of characters in their natural environments.
Eventually, the COG Core plans to facilitate immersive gallery shows inviting you to study the details of these alien-fantasy cultures up close. This forthcoming project will bring the people and landscapes of Rendaraia to colorful life. In the meantime, check out a few of the costumes he’s created and stay tuned for more.

Children of Gaia: Works In Progress

COG: A Layman’s Guide

A Layman’s Guide to the Empire, written and illustrated by Chris Covelli, is an illustrated novel that functions as an in-world prop, similar to The Great Nations of Rendaraia and War & Horses. This book was created to walk the newly elected chairman of the Republic of Draven through the histories of the various houses of the Empire, that he may better understand their politics as he joins their ranks as a leader.

COG: Mad Dogs

Mad Dogs, written by Peter Lampasona and illustrated by Chris Covelli and Jayel Draco, is a direct follow-up to War & Horses. Fashioned as one of Landon Ford’s works, our fabulizing journalist is back on the trail of the Triggerman, writing his sensational accounts of violence, chaos, and adventure in the wake of Draven’s avenging boogeyman.

COG: The Expedition

In The Expedition, Terra’s finest historians contextualize the outsize impact of Lord Eldridge T. Quinn’s adventures in the New World on his legendary journey into the heart of Rendaraia.
The Expedition is an illustrated novel that serve as an in-story prop, available on shelves in book stores throughout Terra. Concept by Jack Drew, illustrated by Shadowind Art, and Written By Lynsey G and the COG Core. This book is a curated edit of the Expeditionary Journal of Eldridge Quinn as he explores mysteries of Rendaraia previously uncharted by the Terran Empire. Through Eldridge’s recordings of his crew’s experiences, we’ll come to witness various wonders of Rendaraian landscapes as well as the many different peoples who inhabit them. Some are eager to exchange ideas and goods. Some will do anything to stop this trek dead in it’s tracks.

COG: Regions of Rendaraia

Written and illustrated by Jayel Draco, Regions of Rendaraia is an illustrated novel serving as an in-story prop. This book, one of Jan’Ka’Zian’s works, is a direct follow-up to The Great Nations of Rendaraia. It’s a an approximate recreation from memory of a book that he made in his youth, in which Jan’Ka’Zian catalogs each region of Rendaraia and the various peoples who inhabit it, as well as the most notable flora and fauna of each area. Of course, since this is from memory and the vast reference resources of the Great Nations’ libraries are no longer available to him, this book is significantly shorter than the original.

COG: The Madam’s Journal

Mistress Fanny of the Golden Dusk Companionship House in Waldeghast has had a long and storied career, not just as the proprietor of one of Rendar’s most respected houses of pleasure…but as one of the central figures in the indigenous resistance movement, as well. The Madam’s Journal recalls her long climb up the ladder from displaced working girl on the outskirts of a fallen Great Nation to the madam of a bustling companionship establishment at the heart of the Waldeghastian metroplex. Written by Lynsey G.

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