Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia - Free Sample by Oneshi Press

The Great Nations of Rendaraia: Free Sample

Oneshi Press is giving away the introduction to The Great Nations of Rendaraia as a free sample!

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The Great Nations of Rendaraia is an art book both written and illustrated from the perspective of Jan’Ka’Zian, a character within the greater Children of Gaia reality.

As an aspiring scholar, Jan’Ka’Zian traversed Rendaraia, visiting each of the Great Nations to study the countless tomes kept within their respective, vast libraries. After the Great Nations fell mysteriously, one by one, preserving their memory became his obsession. Detailed drawings and descriptions catalog their history, social structure, daily life, and culture. It is Jan’Ka’Zian’s solemn hope that perhaps, by preserving their memory in this book of art and text, he can shape the future for those who still have one.

This sixteen-page .pdf file includes the cover as well as the complete introduction section of The Great Nations of Rendaraia. It’s free to download, so feel free to share it! We’re excited to hear what our fans and subscribers think of the sample! Please chime in on Patreon, or on any of our social media accounts, to let us know your thoughts about Jan’Ka’Zian and the world he lives in. We are so proud to have built it for you to explore.

Click HERE to download the free sample of Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia

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