
New Video from Oneshi Press Features “The Great Nations of Rendaraia”

Oneshi Press, the publisher of the first book set in the Children of Gaia fantasy universe, The Great Nations of Rendaraia, has released a new video! In it, the co-founders talk about their progressive, gorgeous, immersive worlds, and invite viewers in to explore them, and share sneak peeks of their work!

The video features stunning motion graphics of all three of their initial projects, created by co-founder Jayel Draco. There’s a fabulous sequence that takes viewers across the vast, intricate, diverse fantasy world of Rendaraia, as envisioned by the cartographer and illustrator of The Great Nations of Rendaraia! So watch it below and enjoy!

The video then goes on to list the ways that fans of Children of Gaia can get involved in the creations of these progressive worlds! So subscribe today at Patreon and reap the rewards, like works in progress, 3d drawings, “selfie” prints of characters accompanied by handwritten letters, and Jayel Draco’s live-stream on Or you can follow Oneshi Press on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, and stay tuned as Oneshi Press begins to release books in 2017!

To learn more about Oneshi Press, visit:

To learn more about our individual projects, visit:

Music by Jack Schell, The Soundweaver

Video editing, animation, and VFX by Jayel Draco


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