introduction video great nations of rendaraia

“The Great Nations of Rendaraia” Video Introduction

Check out this gorgeous short video (9 minutes, 12 seconds), featuring a flip-through of the introduction to Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia, an illustrated fantasy novel by Jayel Draco! The video is animated by Jayel Draco, accompanied with a musical score by Jack Schell (The Soundweaver) and a narration voiceover by John R. Kazanjian.

About The Great Nations of Rendaraia

Rendaraia is a realm where nature, magic, and civilization have long lived in harmony. Its five Great Nations stood for centuries as strongholds of culture, magic, science, and military strength. When, one by one, the Nations fall—each destroyed in a day, with no time for word or warning—the intrepid scholar Jan’Ka’Zian must record a complex network of intertwined cultures on the edge of oblivion. From mighty airships powered by bioluminescent microorganisms to a city of gleaming towers built around colossal trees, the Great Nations of Rendaraia are rendered as part of a fully realized fantasy world as complex and inventive as those of Tolkien and Lewis. Jayel Draco’s gorgeous illustrations present a vivid picture of elaborate cityscapes and mountain vistas, vast sky- and seafaring fleets, and fantastic flora and fauna.

While epic in its own right, Jan’Ka’Zian’s tragic story is just one small thread in a larger universe of Children of Gaia. The destruction of the Great Nations is an early sign that Rendaraia is under attack from brutal and mysterious invaders. In a land called Terra, an imperial society strives to meet its own rapacious needs, and the demands of its politically divided home.

As war rages, hundreds of cultures of wildly varying technologies, traditions, and species fight to preserve their way of life. But Rendaraia and Terra are linked more deeply than anyone had ever imagined…

Loving the introduction? Get the rest! Grab a limited-edition copy of The Great Nations of Rendaraia at the Oneshi Press Store!

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